Transport conditions (contents of packages, packed as tightly as possible to save space, humidity, vibrations, etc.) are not conducive to textile items being delivered in a perfect state of presentation.
It is often necessary to reshape garments when containers arrive, before they are put out for sale on shop shelves.
- For the most delicate items, we carry out steam ironing on suction and blowing tables.
By steaming and rubbing lightly, it is even possible to remove creases on bra cups that appear due to unsuitable packaging.
We also use irons to stick back on hot-melt motifs that have come off: patches, decorative bands, etc.
To avoid damaging the garment, we place a damp cloth between the iron and the fabric to be stuck on.
- For duffle coats and leathers, we uncrease the garments on a steam mannequin. This is also the ideal method to restore volume to your items after being packed in parcels.
- To uncrease trousers, we use our toppers.
- For batch uncreasing, we have a steam tunnel with two steam chambers and three drying chambers.
This tunnel can process around 1,000 items per hour. - Lastly, to remove shiny marks from delicate items (for example, hanger marks after packaging in parcels), we uncrease the garments with a steam brush.
Fallen clothes Fallen clothes
Resticking of patch Resticking of patch
Topper Topper
Ironing of leather Ironing of leather
Ironing Ironing
Reshaping of bras Reshaping of bras
Rhinestone band Rhinestone band
Steam tunnel Steam tunnel
Steam brush Steam brush
Uncreasing of suit jacket Uncreasing of suit jacket
Uncreasing of cashmere Uncreasing of cashmere
Uncreasing on mannequin Uncreasing on mannequin